Director Statement of Faith
We see in I and II Chronicles, that when God asked the Israelites to build the Tabernacle, there were several items meant to enhance the beauty of the Tabernacle. We know from the Bible that God desires things of beauty. We see evidence of this all around us. From the snow-capped mountains, to the rays cast by a rainbow, to the majestic view of the setting sun, God’s creative beauty is everywhere we look. We have been made in the image of God, as a beautiful creation desiring to express ourselves creatively for His Glory. It should be our heart’s desire to communicate with each other and commune with our Maker.
God has a specific purpose for each of His children. Each of us has been given a certain set of talents, abilities, and skills that He desires us to use for His Kingdom building. I truly believe that ‘The Arts’ are a specific and unique set of tools He has equipped many of His children with and He desires for each of them to enhance their God-given abilities for His Glory. It is time for Christian people to reclaim lost ground in the arts. It is time for the children of God to begin to influence the world around us, and not be influenced by it. We were called to be leaders, not followers. What amazing joy and blessings we receive and experience when we offer up to God our creative expressions. What an even greater joy when we teach others to do the same.
Being the son of a Pastor, I have been in church my whole life. My experience with God began after a night service in which I felt the Holy Spirit speaking to me. I was just a young child at the time, and even though my parents were raising me up in a godly home, I still was not completely sure of what was happening. The service ended and we went home to the parsonage. Something kept speaking to me, telling me that I needed to pray and ask God to forgive me of my sins. Even as a very young child I felt this strong conviction. I asked my father to take me to the church so we could pray. He carried me in his arms and we knelt at the altar where I gave my heart and life to Jesus. Since that day, I have been on a journey filled with ups and downs as God has continued to mold me and shape me into what He desires for me to be. I have learned to offer my life up as a sacrifice to Him. God has taught me to have a spirit of humility, love all the people of the world but hate the sin, and to use my gifts and talents for Him.
God called me into the Ministry and Music Education field. My years in the ministry and music education have brought me to a specific calling I felt God laying on my heart when I started college. The specific calling God has for my life is to be the founder and director of a Christian Fine Arts Academy. In this field I can incorporate my ministry and music education. I pray that other Christian instructors join my calling in ‘Linking the Arts for Christ’ by becoming instructors in the academy to provide Faith based instruction in all of the Arts. God has given us so many wonderful and talented godly children. I feel it is our responsibility to lead by example, help them develop their talents, keep their focus on using those talents for God, provide them with opportunities showcase their God-given talent, to worship and minister, and become the willing vessels God desires for them to be. I am very passionate about equipping our Christian children with the tools necessary to “take back the arts” in a world where secular artists are gaining influence. Will you join me in “Linking the Arts for Christ?” -Mike Linville II